Monday, April 12, 2021

Tell One Friend: Try the WasteWise App

Try WasteWise on and then download the WasteWise App. The app answers easy questions about what waste goes where, when to set out waste, and more. WasteWise is available for FREE on Google Play, and Apple App Store. 

This one small ask can open the door to bigger behaviour changes down the road. The app is a great tool to help Edmontonains learn to sort their waste into the black cart and kitchen scrap carts effectively. Once residents begin sorting their kitchen scraps out of the garbage, the step towards home composting is much smaller. 

The WasteWise app can also help residents find out when their new carts arrive and the new collection schedule. Notifications can be set up online or through the app to remind residents when to set carts out for collection. 

As usual, it’s still an effective tool to use when it comes to sorting recycling and household hazardous waste if you don’t know where it goes! 

Share Your Message Effectively
Try these tips to connect with friends, family, neighbours, and co-workers.

Model the Behaviour
Tell a friend that you use the WasteWise App to remind you when collection day is.

Make it Normal
Talk about how whenever you don’t know where things go, use the app for help finding out what waste goes where.

Offer Timely Prompts
Have you checked when your new carts are coming and how your collection schedule changes?

Give Positive Feedback
Thanks for using the WasteWise App!

Previous How to Learn about the New Carts

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Tell One Friend: How to Learn About the New Carts

The Edmonton Cart Rollout is a big step for Edmonton’s zero waste framework and towards 90 percent waste diversion. Carts will make it easy to sort waste at home and will help keep utility rates stable into the future.
Edmontonians want to learn how to use their carts including:
  • New collection schedules
  • How to set out carts
  • What goes where
Learning about Edmonton Cart Rollout is easy:

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Tell One Friend: Continue Spreading the Word About Carts

It's Almost March 2021 and The way Edmontonians sort and manage waste at home is changing come next month. Residents will use carts to sort and set out their waste. 

The Edmonton Cart Rollout is the first big step in the City of Edmonton's journey to accomplish overall waste reduction and 90 per cent waste diversion through a zero-waste framework.
Waste collection will change. The new service will consist of:
  • A garbage cart that will be collected every two weeks.
  • Food scraps (120L) cart that will be collected weekly in spring, summer and fall and every two weeks in the winter.
  • Recycling collected weekly in blue bags (no volume limits).
  • Two seasonal yard waste collections in spring and two in the fall (no volume limits).
Share Your Message Effectively
Try these tips to connect with friends, family, neighbours, and co-workers.

Model the Behaviour
Tell friends, family and neighbours how you visited
Tell folks when you downloaded the WasteWise app.

Make it Normal
Talk about how you’re looking forward to the arrival of your cart.

Offer Timely Prompts
Did you know that starting in March of this year, carts will begin to arrive at homes in Edmonton  and garbage collection will start to change?

Give Positive Feedback
Thank you for checking out to learn more about carts.

Previous Tell One Friend: Recycle Natural Holiday Trees

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Tell One Friend: Spread the Word About Carts

The way Edmontonians sort and manage waste at home is changing starting in March 2021. Residents will use carts to sort and set out their waste. 

The Edmonton Cart Rollout is the first big step in the City of Edmonton's journey to accomplish overall waste reduction and 90 per cent waste diversion through a zero-waste framework.
Waste collection will change. The new service will consist of:
  • A garbage cart that will be collected every two weeks.
  • Food scraps (120L) cart that will be collected weekly in spring, summer and fall and every two weeks in the winter.
  • Recycling collected weekly in blue bags (no volume limits).
  • Two seasonal yard waste collections in spring and two in the fall (no volume limits).
Share Your Message Effectively
Try these tips to connect with friends, family, neighbours, and co-workers.

Model the Behaviour
Tell friends, family and neighbours how you visited
Tell folks when you downloaded the WasteWise app.

Make it Normal
Talk about how you’re looking forward to the arrival of your cart.

Offer Timely Prompts
Did you know that starting in March of this year, carts will begin to arrive at homes in Edmonton  and garbage collection will start to change?

Give Positive Feedback
Thank you for checking out to learn more about carts.

Previous Tell One Friend: Recycle Natural Holiday Trees