Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tell One Friend: Make it Safe to Reach your Trash

Waste collectors lift and toss thousands of tonnes of garbage, every day. Edmontonians can keep collectors safe and moving by making it easy to reach your trash.
  • Place cans and bags as close to the street or alley as possible.
  • Do NOT put cans or bags on top of or behind piles of dirt.
  • Keep garbage stands open and accessible from the front.

Spread the Message

Try these tactics to encourage friends, family, neighbours and co-workers.

Model the Behaviour
Put your own garbage cans and bags out early and properly. Your neighbours will follow your example.  

One Small Ask
“I’ll share this link with you about waste collection. Will you take just three minutes to check it out? I’ll send it now. It’s edmonton.ca/wastecollection”.

Offer Timely Prompts
When talking to family, friends and neighbours about lawns or outdoor chores, mention how cutting grass can be more efficient. 

Give Positive Feedback
"I like how your garbage stand is open from the front. That makes it easy, fast, and safe for our waste collector to pick up cans and bags." or "I saw that you put your garbage can next to the curb for our waste collector. That’s helpful."