Friday, January 28, 2011

Recycled Humour

I was enjoying the humour in Reader's Digest this morning (a great way to distract myself while on the treadmill) when I saw this cartoon.

Hey, if the justice system is willing to make this kind of incentive for recycling, why won't my coffee shop give me a dime for bringing my travel mug?

Maybe I should ask...

(stay tuned, an activist is awakened!)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Treat Your Friends to An Organic Spa Night

Hi Karen and Mark,

Please post this link on the blog, these look like good tips; I just have to spend some time watching them all.

Tracy R-A

Thanks Tracy. This is a great collection of videos by David Suzuki's Queen of Green.

Lindsay's recipes for making your own cleaning and cosmetic products without toxic chemical additives are simple and look like they smell wonderful.

I also love the eclectic assortment of reuse containers throughout her video series.

Of course, the Blue Bin Dos and Don'ts is not based on our system and is therefore not suitable for an Alberta audience (maybe some enterprising MCRVs will create one for our region!), and I don't think her Compost Tea video is well researched, but the How-To-Make series are worth viewing. Especially if you have seen the Story of Cosmetics!

A fun volunteer opportunity presents itself for those who want to watch the Story of... series, whip up some Avocado Facial Scrub, and enjoy some green chat while your Banana Mask dries. Host a Green Spa party and then log your hours on myVolunteerPage!

I am off to wash my hair with herbal tea, and slather honey all over!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Italy Bans Plastic Bags

Critics say the bags use too much oil to produce, take too long to break down, clog drains and become eyesores and environmental hazards.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Here's a look forward to some of the planned Branch activities for 2011:

Siting a new Eco Station to serve residents in North Edmonton.

Continued development of commercial waste collection.

Expand the Assisted Waste Collection Program (for seniors and residents with mobility challenges)
Construction of the Waste to Biofuels Facility in partnership with Enerkem Alberta Biofuels.

Completion of the Reuse Building at the Ambleside Eco Station.
What will you be doing?