Monday, October 21, 2013

Little Free Libraries in Oliver

Take a book, leave a book

... That's the simple slogan driving the Little Free Library movement. It's a simple concept based on sharing and passing on. At heart, a Little Free Library is a box full of books in a public place. It is accessible to anyone in the community, and is not policed beyond simple maintenance. Patrons are encouraged to take a book, leaving another in exchange, so that there is a constant rotation of reading material.

Most Little Free Libraries go beyond just "a box of books", however, and become community hubs in miniature. They are lovingly constructed and cared for - by their creators and by enthusiastic neighbours.
According to the, there are only a handful registered in Edmonton, but folks in the Oliver Community League wants to change that. Their goal is to create, install, and stock 10 Little Free Libraries in their neighbourhood. According to their Make Something Edmonton site, they are 60% towards reaching their goal. The libraries are made out of old newspaper boxes and the league recently held a very successful "painting party" to decorate them. Now they just need to set them up and fill them up!

Live in Oliver and interested in becoming a Little Free Librarian? Contact the Oliver Community League for information on how you can curate a location or donate to the Little Free Library project.

Live somewhere else? Why not start a Little Free Library in your area?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Edmonton receives funding for organic waste processing facility

A provincial agency that directs funding grants toward projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions is providing 10 million dollars to the City of Edmonton for the construction of an organic waste processing facility.

The City of Edmonton is one of eight recipients of funding for renewable energy projects announced today by the Climate Change and Emissions Management (CCEMC) Corporation.

find out more

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fun Times at the 2013 Volunteer Appreciation Event

All year long, dedicated volunteers help Edmonton's Waste Management Services make our city great. They work tirelessly to promote environment-friendly practices and show fellow citizens how to be more waste-conscious. We are very grateful for their efforts and proud share their enthusiasm and engagement.

On October 2nd, we hosted the third Volunteer Appreciation Event. Almost 100 volunteers, guests, and staff came out to celebrate. It was a lively evening with plenty of conversations, live music, awards, and delicious food.

Local-Food Vendors

Six fabulous vendors attended the event this year. They offered delicious samples of locally produced food (and sold some products on-hand). In fact, a couple of vendors were completely sold out at the end of the night! Vendors also generously donated items as door prizes.

Live music featured Elliot Thomas, on guitar, and Spencer Murray, on flute.

Volunteer Achievement Awards

Though only in its third year, people have embraced the concept of the Volunteer Achievement Awards; this year we received over 80 nominations from volunteers and staff, in 6 categories. 

Congratulations to all of the nominees!
Outstanding Group Award
Goodwill Industries of Alberta
Innovation Award
Michelle E.

Leadership Award
Margaret F.
Great Rookie Award
Roger B.
Community Builder Award
Su D.

Lifetime Achievement Award:
Michael K.
Thank you to all of the Master Composter Recyclers. Because of you, Edmonton is a more vibrant and sustainable place to live and grow.