Last week, we shared favourite quotes from MCRs, about how they've reached out to friends and family in the past year. Here are some more fantastic stories that have left us feeling inspired to get out there and share our knowledge!
- “I spoke with two co-workers regarding our field trip to the EWMC. They had no idea how big the facility is and the magnitude of all the waste the facility processes during the day.” - Susy S.
- "I revisited the vermicompost I helped a family set up [and] helped [them] set up a larger bin for their worms." - Charlene M.
- "Talked to my boss about helping her set up a backyard composting system!" - Sarah L.
- "Friend has requested help setting up a compost system. They were impressed with how little trash I put out and how I manage that." - Nikki T.
- "10 women out for an evening and the topic comes around to our garbage. It was a noisy and excited room! I love it when people get excited about our garbage!!" - Dianne H.
- "Outreach to 3 different Colombian families interested in composting and recycling. Made compost box with one the the families, got one family vermicomposting and I have plans to start grass cycling for next spring." - Gerardo R.
- "Helped neighbour diagnose issues for poor compost." - Mildred T.
- “After watching my sister throw her coffee grounds into the garbage (gasp!) I helped her set up a compost bin in her backyard.” - Margaret H.
- "Held a mini worm composting workshop with a couple of friends to help them set up worm composting bins." - Sarah E.
- "Presented on sheet composting to my coworkers. Responded to questions throughout the week." - Andreanna M-C.
- "Chatting with a colleague about 90% diversion. I think I convinced him to take his class on a tour of the EWMC!" - Alena M.
- "Advised staff of what some of their co-workers do to reduce waste." - Melissa B.
- “Organized a stuff swap for waste reduction week at work. Collected items, posted, shared, and swapped.” - Trena M.
- “Block party event - Tried to encourage people to bring plates/cup, had the Go Bagless display and some composting stuff.” - Amanda R.
- “I hosted an upcycling party for my friends. I taught them all how to make laptop cases out of old sweaters.” - Sarah T.
We love hearing from MCRs. Did you have a great experience at an event, or a really rewarding conversation with a colleague? We want to know! Email us, share in the comments below, or be sure to make a note when you record your hours.
Read MCRs Share Their Stories - 2016 (Part I)
Read MCRs Share Their Stories - 2016 (Part I)